My Blog

Here in my blog you will find posts about scientific topics that I find interesting, articles about self-care and learning as well as short stories written based on prompts by the “deadlines for writers” challenge.

  • When is the latest sunrise?

    When is the latest sunrise?

    How do we process new information? The Sun and the Earth do not always conform to our expectations Sometime in December 2021 I saw a graph representing the times of sunrise and sunset in Brighton for the last weeks of the year. I was delighted by how clearly it showed the sun rising a bit later…

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  • Level Relationships

    Level Relationships

    Do you want to be right or be happy? My thoughts on the value of appreciating other peoples’ perpectives instead of trying to correct each other.

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  • Insulation or isolation?

    Insulation or isolation?

    How can you be part of the world and still protect yourself against all the pain? From one of my favourite podcasts I picked up an approach to a healthy way to connect.

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  • 21st of December: Winter Solstice

    21st of  December: Winter Solstice

    My thoughts on the winter solstice as a point in time where ideally we make our own hope. Denominational and nature based.

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  • 1st of November: All Saints’, Halloween, Samhain

    1st of  November: All Saints’, Halloween, Samhain

    My thoughts on the 1st of November as a point in time where we can find strength in letting go. Denominational and nature based.

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  • 22nd of September: Autumn Equinox

    22nd of September: Autumn Equinox

    My thoughts on the 22nd of September as a time for balancing our harvest and preparing for autumn. Denominational and nature based.

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