Category: wheel of the year
21st of December – I get a little warm in my heart
What is your hope based on? This is the last post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the winter solstice. Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a blog post about the winter solstice on the 21st of December. There are a few traditional… Read more
21st of June: Long slow summer days
How to refill your batteries at the beginning of summer This is my summer solstice post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the beginning of summer. Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a blog post about the 21st of June. There… Read more
1st of May: A time to be merry
This is the third post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now between the spring equinox and the summer solstice at the holiday known as Beltane, Mayday and International Workers’ Day. The synthesis of polarity Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a blog post… Read more
20th of March: When the spring comes in
Create space for new life to grow This is the spring equinox post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the beginning of spring and the day is split exactly into a light half and a dark one. Almost exactly two years ago,… Read more
2nd of February: Ready, steady…
What are fitting activities for Imbolc or Candlemas? This article offers inspiration for gardening, reading, music mediation and more. Read more
Activities all around the wheel of the year
This post starts a series of activities for the holidays through the wheel of the year, with ideas on music, garden, meditation and more. Read more
21st of December: Winter Solstice
My thoughts on the winter solstice as a point in time where ideally we make our own hope. Denominational and nature based. Read more
1st of November: All Saints’, Halloween, Samhain
My thoughts on the 1st of November as a point in time where we can find strength in letting go. Denominational and nature based. Read more
22nd of September: Autumn Equinox
My thoughts on the 22nd of September as a time for balancing our harvest and preparing for autumn. Denominational and nature based. Read more
1. August: Lughsasadh
My thoughts on the beginning of August as time for gratitude and awareness for what nourishes us. Cross-community and nature based. Read more