Home » Archive for March 2022

Month: March 2022

  • 20th of March: When the spring comes in

    20th of March: When the spring comes in

    Create space for new life to grow This is the spring equinox post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the beginning of spring and the day is split exactly into a light half and a dark one. Almost exactly two years ago,…

  • 12 Short Stories – Boots

    12 Short Stories – Boots

    Part 1 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com Of mud, growing old and friendship Mentions sickness and death She reached far into the attic shelf where they had been sleeping for ages. There was still mud from the Holy Ground clinging to her boots. The crust was almost…

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