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Month: December 2022

  • 21st of December – I get a little warm in my heart

    21st of December – I get a little warm in my heart

    What is your hope based on? This is the last post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the winter solstice. Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a blog post about the winter solstice on the 21st of December. There are a few traditional…

  • At the same time

    At the same time

    How can I contribute less to polarising the world? There are some things that I have “known” intellectually only  for a long time. Some of them I have read or heard about and thought: “That makes a lot of sense.” Yet a lot of these things only really take effect on my life when they…

  • 12 Short Stories – Strange

    12 Short Stories – Strange

    My 10th short story for 2022 based on a prompt from deadlinesforwriters.com: aul shares a park bench at the lake with an elderly genteman.

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