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Category: the world and me

  • Connected to myself and the world

    Connected to myself and the world

    How can I stay in touch with myself if life keeps distracting me? Why do I even need to stay in touch with myself? Traditionally, January is a time for making resolutions and in general feeling internally decluttered. At least it is for me. One of those resolutions might be to foster a richer contact with myself and with…

  • When is the latest sunrise?

    When is the latest sunrise?

    How do we process new information? The Sun and the Earth do not always conform to our expectations Sometime in December 2021 I saw a graph representing the times of sunrise and sunset in Brighton for the last weeks of the year. I was delighted by how clearly it showed the sun rising a bit later…

  • Solidarity in social distancing

    Solidarity in social distancing

    What SARS-CoV2 teaches us about being human. Based on a quote by Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky I wonder how physical distancing can bring us closer together.

  • Walking meditation about rubbish

    Walking meditation about rubbish

    Have you ever heard about plalking? My thoughts on picking up rubbish when walking through nature as a metaphore for internal mental cleanup measures.

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