Home » Archive for April 2022

Month: April 2022

  • Short Story – Tempted

    Short Story – Tempted

    Part 3 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com To be right or to be happy On a quiet Sunday morning, Helen was lounging on the sofa in her dark blue flannel pyjamas. Her right hand held a mug of jasmine tea, her left reached for her phone on the…

  • 12 Short Stories – Charge

    12 Short Stories – Charge

    Part 2 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com Saved by the squirrel ”I can‘t believe you lost both your phone and the map!” Helen set off stomping along the forest path, very clearly not looking back at Paul. ”Oh yeah? Well, at least I had a map with me! Wonder why…

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