Home » Archive for June 2022

Month: June 2022

  • 12 Short Stories – Permanent

    12 Short Stories – Permanent

    Part 4 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com Nihil permanet, nec atramentum Paul stared at the letter. He had not expected to win, especially not the main prize. He had only taken part because the riddle had been entertaining and there had been some interesting gadgets among the other…

  • 12 Short Stories – Twice

    12 Short Stories – Twice

    Part 5 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com Ellis wants out When Paul came home, there was Helen on their sofa, her arms folded and her face grim. “What is it?” he asked. She huffed and handed him a letter. “I put my heart out there for them to look at, and…

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