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My Blog

Here in my blog you will find posts about scientific topics that I find interesting, articles about self-care and learning as well as short stories written based on prompts by the “deadlines for writers” challenge.

  • Dunstan the Wise

    Dunstan the Wise

    Lord Butterworth picked a very inauspicious day to pick a fight about superiority with Healer Lillian.

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  • Taking Over

    Taking Over

    The end of an era means decisions have to be made. What will Lillian let got of: The plans for her own life or her old teacher?

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  • Sometimes Love Can Be Tough

    Sometimes Love Can Be Tough

    A young goblin finds himself in a very unpleasant situation and can only hope that his mother will be able to satisfy the big one’s demand in time.

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  • 10 Days of Flash-Fiction Part 3

    10 Days of Flash-Fiction Part 3

    This is the third and last batch of flash fiction stories from my taking part in the challenge with deadlinesforwriters.

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  • 10 Days of Flash-Fiction Part 2

    10 Days of Flash-Fiction Part 2

    This is the second batch of flash fiction stories from my taking part in the challenge with deadlinesforwriters.

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  • 12 Short Stories – Teach

    12 Short Stories – Teach

    My fourth short story in 2023 and my 14th story with deadlinesforwriters.com: Not everyone likes German cuisine. A story about roots, being normal and language barriers.

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