My Blog

Here in my blog you will find posts about scientific topics that I find interesting, articles about self-care and learning as well as short stories written based on prompts by the “deadlines for writers” challenge.

  • 12 Short Stories – Charge

    12 Short Stories – Charge

    Part 2 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from Saved by the squirrel ”I can‘t believe you lost both your phone and the map!” Helen set off stomping along the forest path, very clearly not looking back at Paul. ”Oh yeah? Well, at least I had a map with me! Wonder why…

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  • 20th of March: When the spring comes in

    20th of March: When the spring comes in

    Create space for new life to grow This is the spring equinox post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the beginning of spring and the day is split exactly into a light half and a dark one. Almost exactly two years ago,…

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  • 12 Short Stories – Boots

    12 Short Stories – Boots

    Part 1 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on the prompt “boots” by Mia from, picture by Lum3n on Pexels. Of mud, growing old and friendship Mentions sickness and death She reached far into the attic shelf where they had been sleeping for ages. There was still mud from the Holy Ground clinging to…

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  • 2nd of February: Ready, steady…

    2nd of February: Ready, steady…

    What are fitting activities for Imbolc or Candlemas? This article offers inspiration for gardening, reading, music mediation and more.

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  • Activities all around the wheel of the year

    Activities all around the wheel of the year

    This post starts a series of activities for the holidays through the wheel of the year, with ideas on music, garden, meditation and more.

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  • Connected to myself and the world

    Connected to myself and the world

    How can I stay in touch with myself if life keeps distracting me? Why do I even need to stay in touch with myself? Traditionally, January is a time for making resolutions and in general feeling internally decluttered. At least it is for me. One of those resolutions might be to foster a richer contact with myself and with…

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