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My Blog

Here in my blog you will find posts about scientific topics that I find interesting, articles about self-care and learning as well as short stories written based on prompts by the “deadlines for writers” challenge.

  • At the same time

    At the same time

    How can I contribute less to polarising the world? There are some things that I have “known” intellectually only  for a long time. Some of them I have read or heard about and thought: “That makes a lot of sense.” Yet a lot of these things only really take effect on my life when they…

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  • 12 Short Stories – Strange

    12 Short Stories – Strange

    My 10th short story for 2022 based on a prompt from deadlinesforwriters.com: aul shares a park bench at the lake with an elderly genteman.

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  • 12 Short Stories – Not my

    12 Short Stories – Not my

    Part 9 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com There is nothing like being good neighbours There was a parcel on the doorstep when Helen came home. She bent down to pick it up and figured that the postman had misread the address. Theirs was number 13 and this package was supposed to go…

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  • 21st of June: Long slow summer days

    21st of June: Long slow summer days

    How to refill your batteries at the beginning of summer This is my summer solstice post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the beginning of summer. Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a blog post about the 21st of June. There…

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  • 12 Short Stories – False

    12 Short Stories – False

    Part 8 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com Who are you? ‘I keep telling you, you have got all this totally wrong!’ Paul can hear Helen shouting through the open front door. He rushes in and there she is, paler than usual and face to face with a man…

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  • 12 Short Stories – Child

    12 Short Stories – Child

    Part 7 of my “12 Short Stories” – Challenge Based on a prompt by Mia from deadlinesforwriters.com On The Way Down He realised he had not touched his toes with his legs straight in decades. There had never been any reason to. Now he found himself among a couple of teens, some middle-aged women and one man well…

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