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My Blog

Here in my blog you will find posts about scientific topics that I find interesting, articles about self-care and learning as well as short stories written based on prompts by the “deadlines for writers” challenge.

  • 1. August: Lughsasadh

    1. August: Lughsasadh

    My thoughts on the beginning of August as time for gratitude and awareness for what nourishes us. Cross-community and nature based.

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  • 21. June: Summer Solstice

    21. June: Summer Solstice

    My thoughts on the summer solstice as a point in time where we gather strength in times of plenty. Cross-community and nature based.

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  • 1. May: Mayday, Beltane, Workers’ Day

    1. May: Mayday, Beltane, Workers’ Day

    My thoughts on Maydayas a point in time where opposites combine and new things arise fomr reconcilliation. Cross-community and nature based.

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  • 20th March: Spring Equinox

    20th March: Spring Equinox

    My thoughts on the spring equinox as a point in time where things move quickly and nature really wakes up. Denominational and nature based.

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  • Solidarity in social distancing

    Solidarity in social distancing

    What SARS-CoV2 teaches us about being human. Based on a quote by Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky I wonder how physical distancing can bring us closer together.

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  • Walking meditation about rubbish

    Walking meditation about rubbish

    Have you ever heard about plalking? My thoughts on picking up rubbish when walking through nature as a metaphore for internal mental cleanup measures.

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