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My Blog

Here in my blog you will find posts about scientific topics that I find interesting, articles about self-care and learning as well as short stories written based on prompts by the “deadlines for writers” challenge.

  • 10 Days of Flash-Fiction Part 1

    10 Days of Flash-Fiction Part 1

    This is the first batch of flash fiction stories from my taking part in the challenge with deadlinesforwriters.

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  • 12 Short Stories – Lady

    12 Short Stories – Lady

    My third short story in 2023 and my 13th story with deadlinesforwriters.com: Life at Flatworth House would certainly be much more enjoyable without the frequent visitations and all the banging noises.

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  • 12 Short Stories – Blossom

    12 Short Stories – Blossom

    My second short story in 2023 and my 12th story with deadlinesforwriters.com: After three years of training, Lillian finally learns that being liked and passing tests is less important than standing tall.

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  • My journey to being a tutor and exam guide

    My journey to being a tutor and exam guide

    Whether you are still at school, at the start of your career or maybe just dissatisfied with where you currently are professionally, it helps to think of life as a journey that does not have to be clearly mapped out or make sense from the outset. What is important is what you learn from each…

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  • 12 Short Stories – The Question

    12 Short Stories – The Question

    My first short story for 2023 and my 11th with deadlinesforwriters.com: Shouldn’t graduation be the first step into being able to choose your own future? Eto certainly thinks so but not everyone agrees.

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  • 21st of December – I get a little warm in my heart

    21st of December – I get a little warm in my heart

    What is your hope based on? This is the last post in my series about activities for the eight holidays throughout the wheel of the year. We are now at the winter solstice. Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a blog post about the winter solstice on the 21st of December. There are a few traditional…

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