Category: wheel of the year
1. August: Lughsasadh
My thoughts on the beginning of August as time for gratitude and awareness for what nourishes us. Cross-community and nature based. Read more
21. June: Summer Solstice
My thoughts on the summer solstice as a point in time where we gather strength in times of plenty. Cross-community and nature based. Read more
1. May: Mayday, Beltane, Workers’ Day
My thoughts on Maydayas a point in time where opposites combine and new things arise fomr reconcilliation. Cross-community and nature based. Read more
20th March: Spring Equinox
My thoughts on the spring equinox as a point in time where things move quickly and nature really wakes up. Denominational and nature based. Read more
2. February: Imbolc, Brighid, Candlemas, Groundhog Day
My thoughts on the beginning of Febraury as a time where we get ready to start new activity after the dark of winter. Cross-community and nature based. Read more
A no frills approach to the wheel of the year
Around the sun in 365 to 366 days I am a big fan of living with the seasons. In mid-latitude regions you are never bored but also there are no days when the sun cannot be seen all day either. Throughout history humans have observed the changes in weather patterns and the hours of sunshine… Read more